Is a reductionist view of reality really right?!

By taking a Masters in Neuroscience I thought I might be able to understand the complexity of the brain a little more. What I didn’t anticipate was that I would not only find myself halfway through with more questions than I started with but also in awe of the unimaginable complexity of that rather moderately sized organ in our moderately sized heads.

It got me thinking that perhaps my insatiable thirst for knowledge and attempts to understand reality were trying to reduce something that is so utterly complex into something more manageable for my little brain to understand – but maybe that is just not possible. I am currently writing an essay that is comparing models of decision-making (do we compute actions following our decision or while the decision is being made?) and through many discussions with a friend, have come to see these models as simplifications of a much more complicated process.

So there it is, my reductionist view of reality turned upside down. What’s the alternative? To accept that we will never know the true complexity of nature and reality? Perhaps it would be too much for our human brains to handle anyway!

Maybe it all comes back to balance and being okay with not knowing everything but appreciating what we do know ❤


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