
Daylesford has it all: a shop that sells everything from farm-fresh food to beautiful homeware, a holistic spa and a restaurant serving sustainable produce. Its about an hours drive from London, making it the perfect escape from the city.


Waiting at the spa


Lunch is included in the Haybarn Destress package (that also includes a facial or massage!)


I opted for a selection of salads – super greens, heritage beet slaw and toasted grains. It tasted so fresh, like it had just been picked from a farm – oh wait..

The Gate

The Gate is a vegetarian restaurant located a short walk from Angel station. It strikes the perfect balance between casual and classy and its dishes follow an equally balanced theme of healthy and a little bit naughty (like the ‘white chocolate sphere’ that is also available free from gluten!)


Sweetcorn & cilantro fritters


I have a love/hate relationship with this restaurant.

I love that stepping inside feels like stepping into a rainforest.

I hate that you have to queue to get inside, even when its your birthday.

I love their Earth Bowls, especially the Middle East Bowl with its spirulina hummus and sweet potato falafels.

I hate how skinny their sweet potato fries are

But I love dipping them in the goji ketchup.

I hate that I love doing that just because its made of goji berries and not because it tastes any different.

I hate that they charged my friends £14 for an english breakfast

But I love how pretty my House Pancakes looked!


Finally, I really hate what they said to my friend when she asked for some butter for her bread,

“Erm, we’re vegan?!”

But at the same time, I love the fact that they are vegan!